a scientific annual / semi-annual (from 2019)


The journal has been published since 2005 by the Department of Entrepreneurship and Spatial Management at the Institute of Geography (Pedagogical University of Cracow).

The journal focuses on issues of broadly understood entrepreneurship, in particular its importance in the development of various spatial systems (local, regional, domestic - especially Central and Eastern European countries, European and global) and the role of entrepreneurship in the functioning of institutions and enterprises representing different sectors of the economy. The issues of business development conditions are also discussed. Reflection on these issues we attempt to adapt to the teaching of entrepreneurship and related subjects. Therefore, the special focus is on the development of entrepreneurial attitudes and entrepreneurship education at all levels. The journal is also open to the presentation of the didactic experience of the teachers or trainers interested in entrepreneurship and its place in the education system. The journal also includes case studies on the operating of selected enterprises, special economic zones, economic centers and the role of selected sectors of industry and services in the development of various spatial systems of Poland and the world, with particular emphasis on the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the emerging markets.

The journal is registered in the Polish Register of newspapers and journals and indexed in Polish and international databases.

You are invited to submit a paper.